Range Extension: AutoClean 13L

Our range of automatic ultrasonic cleaners has been extended, AutoClean is now available in 19L and 13L

AutoClean Latest generation washer-disinfector.
Its 19L tank allows it to manage a large instrumentation capacity in one go.
Completely automatic, it saves precious time for decontamination and washing work. 
Thanks to its modern design,

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AutoClean will fit into all dental practices.
Its touch panel control is intuitive: it allows consultation of usage history and also gives the possibility of manual use.


Product ranges

Who are we?

Supplier of medical and surgical equipment

We are a French company specialized in the design and marketing of ultrasonic cleaners. Created in 2011, MHC Technology designs ultrasonic cleaners for dental offices. We collaborate with distributors in France and Europe to offer our customers innovative and high quality products for cleaning, decontamination and drying of instrumentation.